Thursday, May 5, 2011

merely too a character apt be protected.

Recently, the International Cultural Preservation by the Swiss organization representatives, is going with 20 additional nominees competing for the final seven common places. Contrary to many people expected that the private nature of the vote in this selection, the foundation has the maximum number of nationals of the Great Wall did not show a clear avail not even enter the ranks of 7 mighty. This not only of our creature Chinese while worried to reverse the position, many consumers a lot of reprint, comments phoned for more people to partake in election to aid the selection of the Great Wall.
7 7 in the Stadium of Light in Lisbon, Portugal, the world's fashionable seven wonders of the result of which ambition proclaim the selection,toronto escorts, and now sprint to referendum and more fiery. the ultimate outcome temporarily understood,beijing escort, we should still make the voting of the Great Wall final effort.
however perplexing, this week, held in Christchurch,shanghai escort, New Zealand World Heritage Convention 31 on the world, China has 6 projects a need for management to annotate problems such as not thoroughly explained , there may presently be embodied in the After the issue of fighting, we have done? What should we do?
World Heritage is the natural mutation of human history and legacy of the most valuable things, it is time the most precious living fossil footprints. As has a long history The ancient civilizations and the expansive geographical zone big nation, China has become the largest world heritage of one of the 3 countries. This has not only benefited from the history, but also benefit from our care on the World Heritage selection. from the Seven Wonders of the World selection, we can penetrate that this care, whether lawful or private. This accent represents a recognition of historical honor. In the process of actively application for World Heritage, we always be able to look this sense of honor.
but more should be explicit that the setting is a world heritage because what? 1972, UNESCO in Paris, accepted the cooperation among peoples and nations, because the rational protection and restoration of the general heritage of all mankind to make a affirmative contribution. World Heritage Convention for a sign of the mouth opened a round square cavity in antique China, it symbolizes the cultural and normal heritage interdependent relationship. the chief square is the shape of human creation, surrounds characterize ecology, are closely linked. The VI is circular, not only a character of the world, but also a symbol to be protected.
retained the World Heritage nigh the earth, yet belongs apt always mankind. each of the establishment of the World Heritage of the Department is no merely a full admission of heritage amounts, it is the duty of the heritage units and delegate the liability of local human. heritage sites no only to share the history, honor, extra matter-of-fact to presume responsibility. However, many legacy applications have not been effective behind the success of the protection, treatment oversight and not in area so namely these expensive resources worked. What is extra, later the use of the petition is successful to benefit the World Heritage name, set the expense of their responsibilities, yet too set the expense of heritage statement.
Take the Great Wall, the Great Wall of China in 2002 along the Society Ming Dynasty Great Wall has a nice wall less than 20%, significantly fewer than 30% of apparent sites, and the rest basically vanished. China Great Wall Society of the Secretary-General Mr Tung will say: At the conference, alien experts do not deem there is this thing because it simply can not detect mmm, not even the ruins. man-made abuse are more major. some of the villagers alive handy, , syndic of the mandate, demolition! full 60-meter partition of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall in the howl of bulldozers immediate annihilation. Later,1 April Fool's Day, higher-level penalty distress even if the village 200. More familiar is always going on around us Some peregrination bad habits, littering, environmental break, caused the wall damage everywhere lettering and so on. now ubiquitous scandal of modern civilization, the Ministry of the writing.
premonitory heritage value and rarity itself determines the heritage can not be copied, which the Heritage made a quite high demand. pertinent units should earnestly execute their duties, the real ego assume responsibility for them. For the people, but also conscious of their action may inadvertently cause damage to the historical sites. World heritage is not a national history honor of setting the stage comparisons, but comparison of the modern socialized countries responsible platform. to apply only equitable boarded the platform, showing how, after the behavior is the final criteria. to kas long aswe are always enthusiastic in honor to conquer, but then need to fulfil their duties and duties of the honor Shique often cold and omit. This peccadillo, in the precious and fragile heritage before it is committed can not furnish.
relic is left of history,toronto escorts, we should give full esteem. ancestors left for us to reputation, we will of responsible for this honor. is either a previous dictate, is also responsible for hereafter generations.

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