Wednesday, April 27, 2011

it namely still relatively low

News week: the South China Sea is China's
most worthy of our care this week, things chance more significant in China's territorial sea and the South China Sea territorial discussions.
February 17 this year, the Philippine Congress passed the Act, reasoned serious dissatisfaction of our government: the United States trailing ship namely in the preferential economic region of China's continental shelf activities, and our boat is in natural operation, the United States ships in coastal waters of China has naval purposes, maritime examining. So , China's fishery treatment sent south at the South China Sea Fleet of China Navy's 503 ships apt retention the modified largest fishery enforcement containers Trinity One, arrived ashore March 19, Sanya, completed the 1st phase of the task inaugural Sea.
from primary educate textbooks, we all kas long asChina has 9.6 million square kilometers of land, whatsoever, but few people understand China and 300 million square kilometers of territorial waters, of which the largest is the South China Sea. in the South China Sea in China There are many islands, shoals, reefs, shoal and shallow,toronto escorts, and we collectively understood for the South China Sea islands. South China Sea, northwardly and south stretches 1,800 kilometers from eastern to west over 900 km broad. Total size of the islands, reefs, dirt, shore more than 200 can be divided into East Sand, Sea, four in the sand and Nansha Islands. Nansha islands in the South China Sea, the situation is the most southern most reefs, the most warmhearted radiated islands. main island Taiping Island, South Island, in the manufacture Island, Zheng reefs, beaches, etc. Wanan. James Shoal is the southernmost of China's territory.
South China Sea islands are an inalienable chapter of China, which is little dispute that truth. until the last century the seventies and eighties before are not any other nation in the South China Sea islands raised the issue of sovereignty of any island. but with the marine economy has been acknowledged, the development of marine economy has been growing attention to countries nigh the South China Sea in China began to covet South China Sea islands, and ventured to put some islands included its territory. Recently the Philippine administration and other legislative attempts to Huangyan Island is embodied in the range of an example of the Philippine territory.
for the South China Sea and Spratly Islands, my Government has taken a realistic approximate, in the South China Sea and stressed that China has indisputable sovereignty over the island beneath the premise, taken with the adjoining countries of College representatives said, scramble to take the opinion, I am fearful there will not be anyone good on the results of the parties, as we add hands, friendly cooperation and general development of this island and the respective space.
grove thought: large scope of the South China Sea large digit of islands, reefs uninhabitable, leading to some of the islands from the mainland of China lost to management throughout the year, to some neighboring countries an opportunity to capitalize. As China's economy lusty, we need to construct more alike to the 311 canoe fishery and maritime regulatory law enforcement, customs control and boundary management and even regular military patrols and other necessary and official method to reinforce our territorial waters and islands of the daily management and patrols, not to unfriendly countries and people who chance to exploit,
in the economy this week, 3 entities are worth noting.
The first is March 18, the Commerce Department released its official website, antitrust reiterate of the case to rule. . so that the argument for half a year, the M & A process:
2008 年 9 3, raised 2.4 billion Coca-Cola to buy Huiyuan all of the shares
2008 年 9 8, signed a letter of servant enterprises absence to stand against the gain
2008 年 9 月15, Coca-Cola and Huiyuan said it would prop hearings on mergers and acquisitions, and will hand submit alternative
2008 年 9 19, Coca-Cola said the Ministry of Commerce has submitted petition materials
2008 年 11 6, the Ministry of Commerce application materials that have even now standard, without filing
2008 年 12 5 February, the Commerce Department received the first expression has been placed on file merger
2009 年 3 18, Coca-Cola Huiyuan case did no pass the review of the Ministry of Commerce
half a year, Coca-Cola's acquisition of Huiyuan Huiyuan process also led to large swings in stock: 3 September 2008, when Coca-Cola announced that via its wholly-owned subsidiary Atlantic Industries to 17.92 billion Hong Kong dollars to buy Huiyuan plenary issued share capital (the 12.20 per share of around HK). Huiyuan's shares among a few days suspension from September 1 the previous day's closing price of 4.14 Hong Kong dollar soared to more than 11 Hong Kong dollars, when the Ministry of Commerce yesterday officially announced the results ahead the market has answered almost the rumors in the Hong Kong-listed Huiyuan shares opened that a.m. market break, merely 13 minutes to an emergency trading suspension, before the suspension down 2 dollar, down 19.42%, to 8.3 million. The information is formally announced, Huiyuan's stock suddenly dripped behind more than four dollar.
the success of Coca-Cola to buy Huiyuan, once again shows an irrefutable truth: in the stock market, main the insider information is the fundamental magic weapon for winning in the stock market. In front of insider information, Soros tin do naught?
Second, to discourage beyond deterioration of the U.S. economy, the Federal Reserve Board on the 18th to make surprise decision: will the next six months up to three billion dollars to buy long-term U.S. Treasury bonds. At the same time the Fed has committed to beyond purchases $ 750,000,toronto escort,000,000 mortgage-related securities and mortgage bonds 100,000,000,000 U.S. greenbacks to aid soften the U.S. honor market position. The last time the Fed mediate in what the long-term bond market happened in the 60s of last centenary, when the Fed tried to hack amuse rates and improve long-term short-term interest rates.
Fed to buy U.S. treasury bonds to be the industry figuratively as the but whom the financial earthquake. The Fed's decision suddenly the dollar's slump, and commodity futures rose. hold 700 billion and 2 trillion U.S. dollars U.S. Treasury's Bank of China alien commute keeps, but also faced with difficult choices. However, in the dollar as the international monetary conditions, the control of others is indeed a very laborious subject stuff. the chief bank may be more of a frustration.
third, that investors are incited that with the the end of this week, A shares gradually into the likewise 4 successive days of 2,000 billion yuan. this week, A-share market closed higher because the 5 consecutive trading days, the highest since the October 2007 bear market has been rising because days into the largest on log. The Shanghai Composite Index closed at 2281.09 points, all week up 7.15%; The Shenzhen Component Index closed at 8647.51 points, up 9.80% for the week. 2 cities this week, mean journal turnover of 174.3 billion yuan, 123.8 billion yuan final week into four levels of magnification.
even later five consecutive week Japan's rise, the average price-earnings ratio is also from the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Friday rose 17.37 times to 18.61 times. but with the present deposit rate of 2.25% compared to, it is still relatively cheap,transient disinfection, if the performance of listed companies next year, does not emerge If a significant ebb in the stock market is still high to penetrate the line.

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