Wednesday, April 27, 2011

this time

Earlier last night, this period, I, Xu, Mr. Kwak and Cai are watching Guangzhou Tianhe Sports Center Hengda VS Yankees game. Long antecedent I heard on the 17th apt the rain, so it namely holding the rain Lin's opinion to watching. just left West Point to the amusement, outside the rain began, a fundamentally do no understand Big Brother had actually asked me to escort him a visit, then speak to him to know thatthis lad is holding VIP look by the ball, hey, sorry as those of us namely come in a half-price stamp to to be. It namely said that a few superstars to the scene to fulfil, but unfortunately so few of us into the scene when the better rank had given up and judged to climb the mountain sovereign, hard to find the place of the four tin look at the crowd.
> Wait a moment, both sides are opening to reach the players warm up, the audience began to 40,000 excited fans, reserved shouting. broadcasting the final scene, when both players read, only Xu Liang and Beijing Guoan goalkeeper Yang Zhi get audience applause, and the remaining players are the fans responded with boos to The team goal is the love of the fans in Guangzhou Xu Liang, who is outstanding the world with his can not make any reaction.
moon machetes broke into the water way
solemn, Yang Hao and Xu Liang
field against the home team fans were seen behind a goal, first explosion of sighs, as reported with lukewarm applause, because this is truly punt into too beautiful, never miserly with her fans in Guangzhou applause. just been to the rain, the pitch is likewise a lot of water, and sometimes the deeds are not subject to their own actors control,toronto escort, more and more foul, the melodrama has suddenly become lusty smell of explosive together. Still after, Guangzhou, sliding tackles,toronto escort, 11 Muli Qi Yang Zhi, a small-scale field explosion of the clash, the most interesting is Yang Zhi long time can not stand up to penetrate, the audience are simulated ambulance sound The Nushe team to tie the game in Guangzhou, the audience of fans jumped up and rallying applause, the sports hub is a ruddy sea of ​​fans started swinging in the scarf. penetrate the team the mate in Guangzhou, Guangzhou Team popular with the national team head coach Lee Jang replaced ordinary striker Gao Lin's Renato, meaning triumph the game in one work, but the 2.5 million U.S. dollars from exotic assistance does not transfer with the clap off the settee and with Gao Lin coach shook hands and went straight to the stands from our side of the outlet on the 18th into the locker chamber. Later in the lounge said, because not satisfied with the coach for him down, he and coach the conflict wrecked out in the language, but today, he The club was fined 42 million penalty mm, buckle pay 2 million dollars a month, suspended for 3 games, decentralized reserve. hey! pity.
million in the red leaves that just started the second half Green
, Beijing Guoan Wang Xiaolong just for playing the guide afresh on a header. At this point in more than 20 stands of 19 and then the fans celebrate Beijing, Guangzhou, fans swiftly to noisy cheering squeezed further. As the game progresses, less and less time, the flowers are the results of the Guangzhou team, one consumed chance, Gao Lin's header wide of the Nose bridge, Cleo's bombard missed column , Yang Hao's upside down to play the the audience responded with boos fans are still yelling in the meantime, actually hidden within a cloud of the Hengda fans, really the so-called the Hengda home that will be lost on the game ended when Muli Qi offside, wading via the National Security goalkeeper Yang Zhi, push She Kongmen succeeded, The score 2-2, this time, the audience of the folk jumped up,I favor your hand ashore my shoulder, wow, that scene is really cool. the audience were hurrahing 3:2, and Unfortunately, it was only based on a draw.
Taobao sale
very cool ball
Official network site navigation
short film Heaven

offside pretty station, pick the ball extraordinary
Muli Qi Tuishe succeeded
Fans celebrate the progress the Alliance stands

Guangzhou characteristic reports or look at the medium reported.
finish feel a tiny favor a football journalist.

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