Wednesday, April 27, 2011

no animals We absence to assist to amplify compassion

Strongly recommended Video: Chinese subtitles, , the Japanese paid the death of over 10,000, almost 2 million cost of the missing. So fur Linyi, Shandong, what the mall will lead to the result of it? Chinese saying goes: people do day in perspective, Justice has long weapon! < br> Chinese subtitles China's fur commerce documentary. movie major, Linyi, Shandong, China introduced in recent years farming and fur trading truths and disclose the cruelty behind the fur trade in China truth !!!.< br> switched from Swiss Animal Protection Association (China) blog: Let China cuisine aliens shocked: This is a transport station in Nanning Langdong feline motorcar. shipped once each two weeks, the feline in a mobbed trap agony. including government, medium comprised, no ministry is compliant to control. is possible to be delivered to the people to eat. without anybody quarantine programs, many cats died in the navel of the car! has been largely moribund. To say that nowhere, and only with Sina, with all of the forward to salvage these innocent lives hell! denounce!! angry!!!
the situation is too serious, we need to self-sufficiency! Source: Internet
spiritual master SMCH words
love of animals brought to the Earth than we
we really killed ourselves, whether fast or slow, in appending to that there are other problems, tornadoes, El Nino, earthquakes wait, because we mediate with natural ecosystems, climate change solo, killing more than thirty million people every year die, and more and more, when the climate aggravate, more people will dead, was poisoned to death or died deserving to normal disasters, government perquisite or the meat industry, so if we use the money to subsidize these large peasants into growing organic vegetables, vegetables are easy to grow, principally organic vegetables, do not perturb, fewer water, yield more of the water and air pollution is small, but also sponge carbon dioxide, the earth and human, healthy, and can adapt the climate system, we will not have typhoons, will not an earthquake, there will be no floods, drought, normal re-balancing, this is from a scientific point of view, from my experience, I know more than this dispose, as if the killing, we will suffer, we must recompense This is the law of the universe, love others is to benefit themselves and hurt others is to impair themselves.
animals not only harmless but also help us a lot, they come to bless the earth, to bring the love of the earth than us, so our planet has but also to maintain balance, there is no love of animals, the earth may have evaporated long ago, according to our management of it, we remedy ourselves, others, other ways of life and the context, the early destruction of the earth, but God is forgiving, he sent to more species come here to equilibrium the negative atmosphere of the Earth, making it more caring and tolerant in order to preserve a poise by far, but now even beyond, the situation is too serious, even animals, love, good atmosphere, can not help us, So now we have to self-reliance, compassion hold their own vegan, being a good role model, and everybody will be competent to tranquility harmony, and pleasure to live with panic each other.
There are many angels in the shape of various animals, all overthis planet the situation will get worse
all, will not stop, unless we change lives, how do we do? solution is simple, is to stop eating meat.
peaceable coexistence with animals, no killing will send We are full of congratulating God, the world's compassion stretched air of the animals, preoccupying numerous beast blessing, of way, reliability of Earth's atmosphere will be even more like paradise, fraught with peace and adore.
we need help, not animals We need to help to amplify compassion, use animals to help, whether we love them and contact with them, actually a compassion namely their human side for the visible angels, you understand some folk are all in some cases appeal to the angels to help, we have many angels in the shape of various animals, bring an end to ...this planet,shanghai escort, the shape of one saint with stuff to help you in differ locations, but whether we kill them, we establish karma, our own quite large loss interests, they will not have losses, animals straight to paradise, namely to kill the person they lost, loss of merit, loss of love, loss of compassion, lost a lot of love, God sent them out to come here to give you a lot of help, Therefore, the human animal has a very big help, I merely wish namely 1 daytime, humans actually know this, and use God to world to give us this precious resource.
our planet is being destroyed, if we do not unite work together to fight launch morale of solidarity, we will no longer have homes, one hundred percent once the world's population have to be vegetarian to save the planet.
no animal products, we will have representatives of the Earth and even the world of paradise,the weakest of life, because the change accept a vegetarian will radically change all entities, from the environment to people's mentality, the world's living standards to the world of peace, the temperature will be settled, balanced ecology of animal reproduction in peace, human health and happiness and ascertain new amazing new invention our lives like a dream of heaven,toronto escort, which is in the quondam can not dream, a healthy organic vegan diet, or even make you calm, of course, make a mild climate, lush woods restoration, so that all animals live in peace, because this love The stamina nigh the Earth, as our shield, no other environmental forces in this crisis, protect our fussy time.
Jintanaluo Mr. Ballesteros a reporter: reversed you? . global warming comes from many human factors, such as fossil oils, animal husbandry and so on. But the flaming of fossil fuels, it will loosen two gases, carbon dioxide and aerosols. how many will offset the carbon dioxide aerosol effect. Although the aerosol on health is not very good, by least to offset the carbon dioxide, so the warming effect of methane and nitrous oxide, effectively from. Both are noxious, not only of climate warming, but also poisonous to humans. Even if carbon dioxide boosts the earth really temperature, its power is only one percent of methane (1 / 100). nitrous oxide, three percent (1 / 300). and spiritual director SMCH
an animal communication among teacher and spiritual starling starling access --- Arkansas truth of collective death, utmost climate, Australian Kangaroo communication: human beings should reflect, review and repentance should lead to early wake
elicited climate change, a large digit of dead pups Penguin
Farewell, Earth! a penguin's farewell letter
message from the animal realm Kheops mm puppy to . Hansen Blue Planet Prize acceptance speech to
credible to say that we can not even now maneuver to save the planet, I'm sorry, not quick enough, according to the path we are to save our world will be too late. you ask How do I view the current global situation, I must honestly tell you that the situation is very urgent, very urgent absolutely all the circumstances, some scientists immediately mention that without the implementation of emission abatement targets significantly more assured than the goal of many countries to set higher Soon the world will heat up double. It would be a disaster earth, to respond your question the latest newspaper, the maximum solemn is the terrible consequences of global warming out of control. worrying is that countries do not enough, scientists described This situation will lead to runaway climate change.
Q: In your breakthrough of how animals Cancun blessing us and help us get more spiritual merit, it also makes us more understanding of why Genesis is our helper animals ( are our friends), but many animals died due to climate change, and the alarming rate of species extinction on Earth how many harm? M: It manner to protect our love we lose power, lose balance to maintain the atmosphere of the Earth, it is easier by the negative forces of bombard. because the power of blessing animals surely less causes here. You know very well I'm sorry, I can not describe how much I hurt, this is not sorry for the animals but for humans, because animals matter How many are tortured at that moment, they work straight to heaven topped the tall fruit bits, get together with other higher beings love and praise God, because of their martyrdom and contribution of the earth. But because the harm animals for their human reason great harm, if human beings know the consequences I consider they will now stop cruelty to animals, and will be very penitent, ashamed of the damage animal friends, animals are our helper, is the source of love and protection Jia Chili, I hope we can soon understand this.
From: wider long, I do not know if I have hope. for we will besieged, not only sea class heave, global warming, category extinction, typhoons, torrents, water absence, what will be scarce, and even the solar tempest. If we do not have morals to be attracted to solar flares, and many other disasters, and if we do not have morals, all parties may be hit, if we do not change lives, become more compassionate and caring, access to heaven attention, it may meet a variety of black disaster. We can only proceed to do our best, meditation, chant. I do not know the time is too ample, if humans do not change, we can not do anything, understand? because of also few, the entire earth is ready, a large some people are ready, but world leaders to acquaint them. not only government leaders, as well as spiritual leaders, religious leaders, we have to work together to tell you, it should be changed. They themselves must change, the spunk to publicly set a nice instance to subserve people to emulate their sample, and know the situation is pressing, and how they want to help. our team, meantime significant, can endow, but people must change in array to deserve God's help, or even more than we meditate, If they do not change, only our behalf only, not amuse to them.
From: exposing the great mysteries of the sun and the universe of 12 sets of 12 Irish Independent interview with correspondents on Sunday the organic vegan diet to solve global warming crisis
vegan who is the fastest way to cool the planet
vegan diet, we must as soon as possible in order to save the planet save the planet

to the east coast of the full FM radio interview
elegant way of life to inhibit climate change and create a paradise - seven-part sequence
humane message from Mars: uphold moral and save the planet Venus, the secluded

mentoring dialogue: If everyone effort, maybe we will have Time to save the planet by the vegetarian
return apt the Garden of Eden ashore Earth there are 3 cardinal greenhouse gases
2. Methane: 37% from meat (the greenhouse efficacy is the CO2 x72)
3. nitrous oxide: 65% from meat (the greenhouse effect is the CO2 x310)
vegetarian diet tin be forcible to cool the planet as environmental technology research and development period so we can live extra than 51%
cattle produce greenhouse gases < br> ~ World Lookout journal WorldWatch
vegetarian can save up to 80% of the spend of air goals
~ Netherlands Environmental Assessment Committee
from you and I begin to solve the global warming crisis
most straight and effective and free way
organic vegan diet is the World Bank environmental specialists
Robert Goodland, and Jeff Anhang latest report,
~ World Watch Magazine ~
Brazil accounts for about the country's aggregate gas emissions 50%
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