Wednesday, April 27, 2011

square bricks

With economy development and urban construction, accelerate the pace of modern city buildings and gradually surface water blocking matters such as hardening of concrete cover above the formation of the nature road trip in a magnificent advantage to the people in the meantime, the impervious surface to the city surroundings likewise brought great negative shock.
as impermeable concrete and asphalt road surface material, production valuable natural precipitation into the ground can not be natural, in adding to the excessive pumping of the groundwater, leadership to the city build up low water table, forming a geology on the seawater intrusion; In addition, the impervious surface is tough to heat and air, water commute, the lack of urban surface temperature and humidity regulation, resulting in meteorology, the the ground surface makes the city the customary growth of factories is difficult, very difficult to make the city green, green high cost; impervious road surfaces to water, reducing the road comfort and safety. When the concentration of rainfall within a short time rain water facilities can only be discharged into the river, joining to the burden of urban drainage facilities.
other reasons as impervious surface due to the sharp decline in groundwater has convert increasingly seriously endanger the survival of our environment. In recent years, to the frequent incidence of urban man-made disaster, we have to rouse our vigilance:
following decades of uncontrolled over-exploitation, the notable Shaanxi continuous ebb of groundwater level in the plain, forming a gigantic funnel, the archaic city Xi'an unconsciously years of accommodation history of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda is also a 1198 mm, and the west tilt of 886 mm .2000, Xi'an City surface cracks appeared in four, up to four kilometers wide and 30 cm, causing structural break to many buildings .
understood as This, Jinan civic divisions heavily provided 2 billion yuan, citing Huang Baoquan, recharge and recharge to its sometime natural landscape Baiquan spewing, but needs an external accessory our precious water.
Tianjin as the groundwater level The keen decline, causing salt water intrusion, salt water into the groundwater. To solve the problem of urban water afford in the domestic money in building the first water diversion project - problem of the absence of urban water resources, built in 2001 and pressing, cause large and perpetual impact. Some studies have shown .1959 to 1993 in Tianjin, and seawater intrusion due to ground subsidence caused 17.2 billion yuan of straight economic loss, indirect loss of 172.4 billion yuan, a total of 189.6 billion yuan.
airtight The road is difficult to heat and air, water exchange, the lack of urban surface temperature and humidity regulation, resulting in meteorology, the a high concentration of air pollution in the island; impervious surface in the ground made the city the normal growth of plants is difficult, very difficult to make the city green, green high cost;
hardened ground to make rain fall to the city by the sun and immediately re- evaporation, drying the surface so that the city is more solemn. increase the city's dust pollution, the city's humidity varies greatly: rapid evaporation of water after rain, air humidity, hot people feel the afflict, and afterward the exception of the dry. < br> tree growth is the need to breathe and the water, hardening the surface will make the city's trees died due to lack of water or root lodging.
in the summer, hardened ground digestion, arsenal and reflect solar heat, surface temperature tin ascend a few degrees. This will increase the city's hot, principally in the modern city of skyscrapers, increased the city paid for the cooling energy consumption.
in the winter, is easily hardened ground freezes in the sleet, which people travel bring a variety of inconvenience or even hazardous, but the hardship will increase the snow, meantime snow can not be added using the groundwater.
water impervious road surfaces to reduce the road solace and safety. < br> When the concentration of rainfall among a short time, the rain water drainage facilities can only be discharged into the river through the city, ponderous rain when the city could easily lead to serious water, not only increased the burden on urban drainage facilities, and make valuable water resources stream away in vain.
harden the road surface so that rain deposition, this zone would cause traffic congestion, increased pollution of vehicle exhaust emissions, on the other hand, when dissolved in water cross-flow massive number of urban pollutants by rain water directly dismissed into the regional pipeline rills, causing water pollution. and formed puddles on the roadside, but also for the summer mosquito breeding places provided.
rapid economic development today, in the process of building an international city, the road led to the hardening chain-like negative effect of the urban environment: surface dry, sharp decline in groundwater level, surface temperature is high, water blockage, snow, sleek and so on. Therefore, how to solve the city's water problems has become an international city building important problem. The vicissitudes of life past and present show the truth: there is water in the city, is the perpetual city.
replace traditional materials with permeable paving materials, road construction has become an multinational city and successful experience. urban water-permeable surface, so that natural precipitation to infiltrate into the ground directly into groundwater, this train has ancient cities in China, laying on the ground and the orthodox courtyard commonly used. Therefore, since the nineties in the twentieth century to dodge the laying of impervious surface has been hardened the accordance of the world's urban construction and practices. laid the ground is looked as permeable urban environmental quality, reduce hot flashes, obstruction of floods, water resources and prevent land subsidence keep an major measure of ecological sustainable development of urban construction and an important sign .
as absorbent pavement material has many ecological conveniences, in the person search for harmony with nature and preserving ecological equilibrium and sustainable development thought, Europe, Japan and some other amplified countries, 70 from the last centenary, began research and development pervious pavement materials, and applied to square, pedestrian street, road sides and the central solitude strap, park roads and parking lots, increasing the city's overrunning breathable space, urban micro-climate regulation, maintaining ecological poise received a good efficacy. such as Germany in the early 80s of last century, the seepage road material product has extra than 45 million square meters, according to reports, the present and enhance the use of eco-road up to 2,000 million square meters. Japan in the year 1988 reached 500 million square meters construction volume increased annual at year since 1996 to reach 863 million square meters, and notwithstanding the impact of the economic downturn in 1998 still reached a volume of 7.19 million square meters of construction. sidewalks and use the square of the absolute in 1998 to 80 years % or more, accounting for 10% of the alley. At present, foreign materials, mostly concrete quality water seepage, infiltration water is not good, for a better solution to flooding problems in the construction of the road blocks to amplify the breach, a gap-type flooding, even the production the grass planting bricks. merely this is not only absorbent needy results, the breach is also simple to grow weeds. To solve this problem, use of sewage sludge in Japan INAX enterprise, the second firing of ceramic making and permeable paving slabs. permeable paving permeable rate of ceramic high performance, is one ideal surface material. currently in Hokkaido, Japan ceramic permeable paving slabs laid on the pavement has reached 25%, 40% of Tokyo would must change the pavement pavement permeable pavement (permeable ceramic .) Taiwan and South Korea and Hong Kong, China permeable paving blueprint is being implemented.
mandate to safeguard the survival of the human environment, maintain the ecological balance of the surface to solve the on problems, such as by the United States building materials Co., Ltd. Zibo research and development and production of gradient holes permeable ceramic paving tiles, the permeable brick in November 22, 2001 to obtain the PRC Intellectual Property Office issued a patent certificate, January 11, 2002 by the Ministry of Construction systematized by the specialists, and conquered the product Even if the next storm, rain can rapidly through the surface, into the ground, can maintain the valuable water resources, greatly enhance the city's ecology and alive environment. recharge groundwater resources to maintain the stability of the urban water table.
as pore gradient ceramic slabs to vein permeability via pore structure, in the rain, with the surface temperature, stored in the hole under the gradient of permeable sand and gravel wafers of ceramic slabs of rain will automatically slow evaporation, evaporation of water ambition absorb heat, lower surface temperature, settled moisture of the atmosphere, eliminating the water, hardening of the road ambition make the city's trees died due to absence of water or root lodging. The gradient porous ceramic slabs hole its good permeability to solve this problem,toronto escort,this namely a colossal population of China's important transformation, which is greening the city, particularly the Millennium trees conservation and highly salutary to the growth of expensive tree species.
superior environmental protection: pore gradient permeable paving slabs of ceramic garbage recycling is not only a current type of environmental protection and ecological construction materials, and its own good environmental protection.
pore gradient permeable paving blocks are ceramic waste ceramics, refractories, cooked industrial waste materials such as coke cortex, spontaneous combustion of coal gangue, waste incineration remnant, urban sewage sludge as raw materials, with its own regeneration, according to the standards of Green Olympics, pore gradient of permeable paving blocks are standard ceramic green Olympic products.
gradient of the pore surface of porous ceramic paving tiles namely coarse nice aggregate from repression, was porous honeycomb framework, the brightness kick the road resulting from astigmatism, does not generate the same refraction of mediocre reflective road blocks to discourage the reflected light on the walker eye exposure, protecting people's health.
gradient porous ceramic slabs hole for of its unique porous honeycomb structure, can absorb the ruckus dwindle urban rumpus, to fulfill the intention of obliterating noise.
gradient after the rain kept in holes under the permeable sand layer ceramic paving the rain will automatically slow evaporation, and reliability not only to increase the humidity of the air, and in a large part on the absorption of car exhaust, air purification, reduce vehicle exhaust pollution in urban air.
good security: the gradient porous ceramic slabs hole surface roughness, skid resistance, wear resistance, and Yu Xuetian no product road water, the Pacers will not slip, and prevent night reflective, so that vehicles and pedestrians with a good safety and comfort.
economic and practical: Although permeable pore gradient higher than the cost of ceramic slabs of the same type The concrete block bricks, but its comprehensive cost reduction, with good economic practicality.
laying low cost, porous ceramic pore gradient means for laying paving slabs: the base of the soil compaction is a premier, central storage for the 300mm gravel layer, the upper hole for the dry shop ceramic permeable paving block gradient. The laying cost distant fewer than other shops with rainy concrete pavers.
gradient porous ceramic slabs hole because of its high strength, wear resistance, frost monetary performance, its life is many higher than other types of road blocks. Therefore, the pore gradient ceramic permeable paving slabs with good economic and practical.
gradient porous ceramics as a hole for the road paving slabs laid, the sand layer and pavers can save a lot of water, reducing the city's drainage load. has been tested, per square meter of water permeable pavement can be 0.12m3. Thus, even heavy rain, the rain falls on the permeable pavement will not efflux, not only can greatly reduce the load on urban drainage and prevent flooding the city after the tempest. Where available, permeable pavement can be situated deep wells drilled so rapid recharge underground water may raise the city's water chart, and further reduce the urban drainage the burden on facilities.
wonderful technical performance: pore gradient ceramic permeable paving blocks are manufactured using high temperature sintering ceramic materials, more than anybody other road material has excellent technical performance.
gradient of the permeable ceramic slabs hole is sintered by high temperature, compressive strength g35MPa, flexural strength g3.5MPa. are many higher than the building materials industry, the laying of the material standards;
As a outcome of the production process of ceramic materials, accordingly, pore gradient of permeable paving blocks can be ceramic with a diversity of colors, can be laid out artistic urban landscape, with anti-fouling nature, rain or high pressure water jets will wash; technical performance surface materials usually used in China compared
Performance Comparison Table
pavement material properties commonly used in China Product Comparison Table

strength (MPa)
volume density (g/cm3)
porosity permeable
(Yuan / m2)
compressive strength of concrete cubes

no 0-6
impervious short life
no 0-2
impervious, flat surface, high cost
concrete linking bricks
seepage cracks, easy to violence soil, raw permeable weed
ceramic tiles
good g30
permeable, breathable, non-slip, noise
physical properties of GOME pervious models SPSB
strength (MPA)
flexural strength (MPA)
water permeability (
15 freeze-thaw cycles, dry hunk loss of not more than 2%
durability (mm)
mill pit width l50
applications: ceramic permeable paving block gradient holes broad range of applications, laying the ground covered by permeable surface area include:
ecological park, sidewalks, pedestrian streets, bicycle paths, rural roads and hiking on foot Road

buildings around caravan park,toronto escort, gardens and streets of the ground
special lanes and garages out of the public square
prototype descriptions and sizes: rectangular bricks, square bricks, lead bricks, stop brick, grass brick
100t200t45/50/60mm, 200t200t45/50/60mm

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